

We are an authorised Motocaddy Service Agent for Trolley Repairs, Battery Testing & Battery Repairs.

We also carry out warranty repairs for & on behalf of Motocaddy for products that are registered & within the  specified warranty period.

To carry out such work to meet Motocaddy required standards, you must provide the details as requested in the form below.

Thanking you in-advance.

Service Director

Motocaddy Warranty Repair Form

One of the range of Motocaddy Electric Trolleys
Please add the model or battery type
Please add the serial number of product that is being repaired under warranty.
Please add the serial number of product that is being repaired under warranty.
Please add the serial number of product that is being repaired under warranty.
Please add the serial number of product that is being repaired under warranty.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This must be provided as before we do any work we have to check the MC database. If you never registered it, you will not receive a warranty.
We offer collection & pick for customers who are having a warranty repair, this is not free ! The rate is based HMRC rate of 40p per mile. Workshop is TN6 2LP you can calculate the charge yourself. (remember its cost to there and back)
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Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
If you are unsure of the model number just upload an photo of it..
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